Thursday, July 13, 2006


The kids dressed the baby in this adorable costume this morning. I can hardly call it a costume- they just strapped a pillow to his back- but the transformation was one of the most effective I have ever seen. The baby is recently mobile and gets around very well- but he still does not support himself on his knees- so his movements are perfect turtle pushes. I didn't know what they were doing and I had such a laugh when the little guy came poking around the corner.

This mower seat has been Willa's favorite spot since she was a wee little thing. I missed my chance to photograph her when she could lay all curled up in the seat like a kitten... but she is still mighty cute. I wonder when or if she will ever grow out of it. I guess I could try to fabricate a better "raised bed" for her.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, I LOVE the goat picture! And what a cute baby - your other kids are quite creative coming up with the pillow idea. Mine would just hide under a laundry basket to be a turtle.

emily said...

Both of those pictures are very cute. Thanks for sharing.

RheLynn said...

so cute - priceless even! Both stories are great :o), but that goat picture -- what an odd habit!

Hannah said...

What a great goat picture!