Sunday, April 09, 2006

"I have waited my whole life for you!"

The second twin emerges
Earlier, Nana labored with the company of May's twins.

A morning check found Nana with a steeply pitched pelvis, a sure sign of a birth coming soon. An hour later she was nested in to the goat house meditating her way through some big contractions. May's babys stayed close by with Nana and May went out to the field to graze. Nana was very expressive during her labor, staring at her belly, nudging it with her nose, flexing her ears and stretching her mouth. I really felt for the old girl but gave her some space for the early part of labor. When she really seemed to get to the pushing stage I went in with her and she seemed to really appreciate being petted and soothed.

She seemed to be pushing and straining a lot without much progress. When I finally saw the tips of the hooves emerging I was pretty sure they were upside down, so I went in the house to call talk my mother in law about what we should do. Lois is a pro at birthing the mammals from years on a dairy farm and she talked me through every possible position until I was totally terrified. When I got back to Nana there was a nose and a dark purple tounge sticking out too- and everything was facing the right way. Nana seemed to be having a very hard time pushing the baby out. I helped pull the baby's feet just a little and as soon as the shoulders delivered the rest slid out fast. Nana went to work cleaning him up and the next kid, a girl, came "right out on his heels" now I know where that phrase comes from. As I was suctioning the goo out of the second twin's mouth- the first was already climbing to his feet and poking around for a teat.

Just about then our neighbors were pulling out of their driveway and noticed our family commotion- and we invited them to come over and see the miracle too. I'm guessing about six people came over to "ooh" and "awe" over the little babies who were so strong!

Nana hugged her babies with her neck as she cleaned them off. To look at the pictures you could almost cry for her that she has no arms to hold her newborns. The expression of love and contentment on her face is so clear it's as if she is saying, "I have waited my whole life for you!"


Anonymous said...

An Easter miracle for you! Truly blessed. And mama is so joyous, yes, it's all over her. Sweet. Wonder-full. Awe-some.

Hannah said...

How amazing to be able to be a part of this! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

CrazyFiberLady said...

oh my that first picture bring tears to this mother's eyes. I recognize that look! How beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Two sets of twins how wonderful!

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

Sarah, That is one perfect picture. Did you think to enter it into the Md sheep and wool festivals photo contest? Not sure if it's too late, but I'd enter that.

Judy Benner

Kristina Plaas said...

I am blinking back the tears the image of Nana and her baby is so beautiful. I guess it's all my years of being a preemie nurse, but there's something so magical about a successful birth outcome in the face of adversity. Thank you so much for sharing your little miracle with all of us!

Lizzardbits said...

Hello, I have popped over from Mothering and after I saw the first picture, I brought my 5 year old over to the computer and hugged her. We both had an "Awwww" moment

Thank you for sharing! :D

Sarah said...

What a beautiful picture!

I'm glad April's legs got strong enough that she can now frolick with the other twins!